
By Maudy Elvira - November 24, 2019

After years of being lost over and over again, I met a girl.

She smells like 9 splashes of perfume in the midst of cloudy August until you get to smell her cheek. Her left cheek. People were making out and we sit still. She told me, she runs. Like literally. I guess that validates her sharp looking legs. I smiled. Our eyes never met. Once they did, I realized something. I like her tiny eyes. Her thick eyebrow. Or, her square face, surrounded by well styled haircut. She was nervous, I thought to myself. But, so was I. Then after seconds, it was 2 am. We were the only ones left at this diner. Her hands were warm. I knew nothing, I had never been there. At that phase.

Days after days felt like rainbow. Colors. Feelings. Skins. Kisses.
One night, I cried. I love till the point I burst into tears. I wish I could let you take a peek at what is inside my mind. Because love had never felt that comforting. But one night, I cried ltrs of happy tears. I was drunk and my mind was naked. It was one scary feeling. But, eyes tell no lies. That was a pair of eyes I would love to see in the morning when I wake up. I have never seen one looking at me with that kind of gaze. No one. Until her. Looking at me. Smiling.


Days after days felt like thunderstorm. Rollercoaster. Tears. Cold weather.
One night, I cried. I love till the point I burst into tears. I wish I could let you take a peek at what is inside my mind. But, why does your word taste like hot water. How do I let you know that you are home. Whose skin is the only sea I want to sink into. Whose eyes are the only maze I want to get lost in.

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