Caffeinated Saturday

By Maudy Elvira - March 05, 2016

Bonjour à tous!

You can't imagine how delightful i am to finally, in this cloudy Saturday morning, have a chance to sit and to write. These first three months of 2016 have been pretty cray in terms of everything, weather, works, sentiments, etc. Especially last month. Last February was probably my personal definition of roller coaster. Having my uni schedule super packed, followed by tons of paper work, presentation, group project, and it hasn't yet come to the end. The feeling of being a fourth semester student is literally coming at me. And you know that feeling when you finally have time to relax, to watch movies/series, to sit in your bedroom floor writing, listening to your top 25 playlist on iTunes, and sipping on your instant black coffee. 

As i live in pretty much still developing country, with religion as one of its foundation to run the country, there are just way too much 'already existing' issues becoming way bigger problems. Not to mention, like this already existing gender issue for example. I personally think that this country i live in does not recognize the color grey, nor the decimal. Everything is either black or white. This country only knows binary. But, i prefer to live in grey, to live in no binary, as living like that gives me even more perspective to see the unseen, to live in decimal, to meet the '0,1 0,2 0,3 ,etc' instead of just the perfect '1 2 3 etc'. The root over here is just like "if i don't think it's right, you'll think i'm wrong." As simple as that.

What is rooting within our cells. What becomes the cancer is none other than all those egos forcing some people to close themselves to diversity. The cons tend to stay static. Every dynamic is seen as a thread. A 'disease'. Etc.Well, judgement is something that is rooting within ourselves. But, what kind of pisses me off is how sometimes people let their judgement be a bullet to others. The ugliest truth of all is how we, since we were little, were taught to classify people into majority and minority. We will always feel safe being classified as majority. But, that fact often leads some people to what so called, binary world. We are human. We are no computer.  So, why should i see people as two different human just because of their belief? Their sexual orientation? Duh. This anger within me sparks up all over again when someone defines someone's belief in choosing a different sexual orientation as some kind of sickness. I mean. I do not know how to say my thought in the most polite way, so. F them.

After all the heavy words, tbh all i need is my coconut, sea sand, and all things tropical.



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